Деформирование и разрушение твердых тел с позиций кинетической структурно-энергетической теории
- Details
- Written by Super User
- Parent Category: Categories RU
- Category: Main articles
- Published: 30 January 2019
- Hits: 2323
N.A. Shtyrov
Nikolayev, Ukraine, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Content in three parts.
Keywords: stress, strain, experiment, statistical thermodynamics, physical equation of state, fluctuation, molar energy, wave-quasiparticle, calculation, strength, fatigue, destruction.
A method is proposed for the theoretical determination of the mechanical characteristics of the strength of carbon steel, which uses the physical parameters of the material and the equation of state of a deformed solid. The relationship between the usual mechanical characteristics and physical parameters and fracture properties of a deformed solid is shown. For this purpose, experimental rheological diagrams are used, mechanical tests have become tensile to failure. The duration of the process is almost 200 times longer than the duration of the standard tests GOST 1497-84 (ISO6892-84). After completing the approximation of the diagrams, the analysis of dependencies, the methods of the physical theory of strength obtained initial kinetic molar physical parameters of the material. To calculate the physical parameters, a theoretical method was used for constructing a generalized rheological diagram simulating the conditions of standard tensile testing of a material. Numerical methods are used to solve the physical equation of state, a generalized rheological analytical model of a standard tension diagram is used, and various cyclic loads on the material are simulated. Theoretically determined the mechanical characteristics of carbon steel, the limit of proportionality, strength, endurance and investigated the effect of frequency and temperature of the load on fatigue. The results of the calculations correspond to the reference mechanical characteristics of the steel, confirming the quality of the physical model. The article briefly introduces the applied methodology and the developed calculation program for the theoretical evaluation of strength, irreversible deformations, damages and physical parameters of the process of destruction of carbon steel at variable loads.
Objective: Using the equations and formulas of the physical theory, to show the objective connection between the physical structural and energy parameters and the usual mechanical properties of strength and deformation characteristics of the material. Applying physical equations, material parameters,, theoretically estimate standard mechanical parameters of strength, residual plastic deformation, time to steel brittle fracture, simulating uniaxial tension conditions according to ISO 6892-84. Using the analysis of standard experimental diagrams of slow fracture by uniaxial tension of the material, construct a theoretical model of generalized standard rheological strain diagrams of tensile strain to fracture. Solve the inverse problem of calculating the mechanical characteristics of steel using the physical parameters of strength and the rheological model of tensile tests according to the standard. Perform a theoretical calculation of the fatigue characteristics at different frequencies and temperatures of tool steel 45, using the physical parameters of the material, theory dependencies, developed algorithms and programs. Show, on the example of theoretical calculations of simple mechanical characteristics of carbon steel, the possibility of a physical theoretical method for studying the processes of deformation and fracture of solids.