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Body straining and fracture in terms of the kinetic structure-and-energy failure theory.

The physical definition for molar thermal-motion energy of idealized particles of the condensed medium is used for wording the generalized structure-and-energy kinetic model of the strained body. New physical molar characteristics and physical law of the strained body structure-and-energy state are substantiated. Its proof and interpretation draw on known experimental results of the kinetic strength concept. The obtained constitutive equations and relationships allow viewing the strained body under non-stationary loading and combined stress state by the concept of elasticity theory and statistical thermodynamics of irreversible processes. Examples of new experimentally generalized and analytically estimated physical kinetic parameters and relationships for solving application tasks on strength, fatigue, etc. of different materials are given. Some problems on strength, fatigue and fracture mechanics are solved analytically and numerically by utilization of the new approach. The physical strength theory simplifies analytical methods for strength, durability and reduces the amount of material experimental parameters (limit of failure, fatigue, etc.); it is basis of new analytical investigative techniques and development of physical mechanical properties for materials. Output of the work corresponds adequately with theoretical and experimental data obtained from the independent studies and confirms the received physical regularities and relationships.

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