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N.A. Shtyrov

Nikolayev, Ukraine, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

The analysis of the properties of the rheological functions of stresses and strains, obtained experimentally for a low rate of steel deformation, was performed under tension to fracture. Using the deformation rheological diagram, the properties of the functions of the velocity and acceleration of the irreversible process are analyzed analytically, and dependencies are obtained for estimating the structural physical parameter of the material. Using these research results, stationary creep equations, physical equations, and dependencies of the structural-energy theory of strength, a theoretical estimate of the structural-energy physical parameters of the material strength was performed. The initial structural parameter and the activation energy of steel H1 destruction are determined. Using the physical parameters of the material and the equations of the theory of strength, the inverse problem was theoretically solved, the deformation diagram was constructed, the main parameters of the deformation by stretching to brittle fracture were determined for a given stress function.

Objective: To familiarize with the dependencies and parameters of the physical structural-energy theory of solid strength. Using the properties of experimental rheological diagrams of the stretching of carbon steel to failure and the dependence of the physical theory, determine the initial molar physical parameters of the strength of the structural material. To perform the calculation of plastic deformations for a given function of stress against time under uniaxial tension, using the initial physical parameters of the material and the dependence of the physical theory of strength. Show the possibilities of applying the physical approach to the calculation of deformation parameters and conditions for the destruction of a structural material under uniaxial transient load.

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