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- Written by Штырев Н.А.
- Parent Category: Categories RU
- Category: Concept
- Published: 07 June 2013
- Hits: 3176
The given research work was carried out as a private initiative. Beginning of the research was laid when the author Shtyryov N.A. has been working in a scientific department of Project-and-Design Bureau of the Academy of Sciences of the UkrSSR (ПКБ АН УССР) over the problem of estimation of materials fatigue endurance under impulse loads, at that the kinetic conception of fracture strength was used. Author expresses his appreciation and gratitude to his tutors and leaders of this scientific institution for teaching and formation of my scientific outlook. Next was the work in a position of the head of ships durability branch laboratory, studying in distance post-graduate studies in 1983-85. An unsuccessful attempt was undertaken to write Ph.D. thesis by using kinetic conception of durability of rigid bodies to solve the problem of estimation the fatigue strength of shipbuilding materials in assembly units of shipbuilding structures under low-cycle loads. There were some publications in terms of the given work. Since 1988 the author carried out the work as the individual independent research, which purpose was further development of generalized physical kinetic model of fracture and strain process of rigid body for non-steady loads and combined strained state, explanation of structural parameter physics of material in the formula of life duration by Zhurkov. In the heart of the work is the analysis of fundamental experimental results and analytical relationships obtained in kinetic conception and durability as well as generalization of experimental data on structural-kinetic submicroscopic processes taking place in strained rigid body. Idealized physical model of nonconvertible strain of real rigid body conglomerate by its algorithm of building is similar to the model of ideal gas in kinetic theory where a transition was realized from thermodynamic of gas state to the static thermodynamics of physical macroscopic state of idealized gaseous medium. After constitutive equation and analytical relationships were obtained in 2008 which allowed finding out noninvertible strains through physical kinetic molar parameters of strained rigid body, the experienced specialist in software technology and numerical methods, my friend Aleksandr Paplauskas, my friend selflessly assisted to carry out the numerical computations. Results of the computations make it possible to analyze and understand more sound the experimental fundamental results obtained in kinetic conception of durability, physics of theory and the law of structural-energy state of strained rigid body. Results of the research, computations and others are obtained within the framework of long-standing individual work of the author N.A.Shtyryov Numerical solutions of the equations, computation of the relationships etc. have been performed with the support of the specialist in software engineering A.R.Paplauskas.